Screw Pile Boardwalk Install - Swan River Foreshore - Garvey Park, Ascot
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Steve Lewenhoff
8 years, 9 months ago
Garvey Park foreshore on the Swan River, Ascot in Western Australia is currently undergoing an enhancement program. Part of the improvements include new steel fabricated walkways & a beach deck ramp for the boating/kayaking club. Foundation Engineering was asked to come up with a pile design that would deliver practical installation as the shoreline consisted of very loose-sandy-peaty mud.
A screw pile design was provided as an installation tolerance (+ or - 50mm) needed to accommodate all the piers of a pre-fabricated deck which was to be cast into the 219CHS pile shafts after installation. Ultimate per pile compression load was only 21kN so final screw pile design was governed predominately by corrosion allowance, installation tolerances mentioned and a 4.0m bearing capacity installation depth.
Screwpile Australia tendered & won the work. Machinery site access was restricted & installation was required on the riverbank with the excavator being kept well off the soft mud bank. A geo-fabric was laid over the area to be piled area to allow piling offsides access. A total of 28 screw piles were installed in under 2 days in accordance with its ISO-9001 QA accreditation & management systems.
The banks of the Swan River around Ascot, Bayswater etc. consist of Guildford muds with sections of man made sandy beaches for recreation. River water can be brackish and the presence of PASS (Potential Acid Sulphate Soils) or ASS (Actual Sulphate Soils) are common in the immediate areas.
A chemical analysis was conducted of the ground conditions and ASS was identified at surface & to a depth of 4.0m. Hot dip galvanised screw in piles were considered most suitable for the sulphate conditions as zero soil disturbance meant no introduction of oxygen into the ground, mitigating any further concentration of the ASS condition already present. Screwpile design catered for a severe corrosion classification allowance of 0.1mm/year for a 50 year design life which formed part of Foundation Engineering’s pile design certification.
Soon to be re-opened to the public. Thank you Parks & Wildlife Riverbank Program & Belmont City Council.
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