The first, of what undoubtedly will be numerous, installation of "Ball Sport Safety Net Structures” consisting of 4 x 12m poles with the catch net spanning 30 metres went off without a hitch for the Foundation Engineering Group.
The development of sewer screw piles in 1996 by Screwpile Australia created a quite revolution in the way buildings & structures foundations were piled within WaterCorp easements. Prior to then concrete piles were the norm. Sewer screwpiles eliminate inherant construction problems associated with concrete piles such as, high water-tables, hole collapse and caverning, and hard ground penetration, all resulting in difficulties to achieving the minimum specified pile depth to below the sewers invert level.
Sub-standard microfine grout soil injection techniques and the wrong choice of microfine cementitious grout for the soil to be treated is becoming an increasing problem for builders and the piling stabilisation industry in Western Australia. Lets cut to the chase here and discuss why this is happening.